
As both a hobbyist & a professional, I'm a passionate software engineer & love building highly scalable distributed systems.

Sometimes I like to write about web development, emerging trends in software engineering, scaling engineering teams, remote work, or just lifestyle in tech. Here are some of my musings.

Skip Your Next Meeting With These Simple Alternatives

Skip Your Next Meeting With These Simple Alternatives

A new feature was due before a code freeze days before Christmas. We’d committed to a release before the end of the year and the project was…
Understanding the “Repository Pattern”

Understanding the “Repository Pattern”

The “repository” is a heavily overloaded term within software engineering, so its important to understand repository as an in memory…
Using the “Selectors” design pattern in Node.js

Using the “Selectors” design pattern in Node.js

As the back-end development world evolves — particularly the Node.js ecosystem — functional decomposition has become an essential strategy…
Building a N-Tier Express App using Dependency Injection

Building a N-Tier Express App using Dependency Injection

This article assumes that you are already familiar with developing node applications with express and mongo. The aim is to take an existing…
Why Classes are better than Closures

Why Classes are better than Closures

Classes in JavaScript received a ton of flak by the javascript community when they first came out, but for no good reason. They provide…
You’re not going to replay your event stream

You’re not going to replay your event stream

One of the selling points of Event Sourcing is this idea of the re-playable event stream. There’s plenty of literature around why event…
Documenting Your Node.js API painlessly with Swagger & Doctopus

Documenting Your Node.js API painlessly with Swagger & Doctopus

In this article i’m going to show you how to take the pain out of documenting your Node API using Swagger, and take it a step further by…
Using Promises with Express

Using Promises with Express

A colleague the other day introduced a handy snippet of code enabling async await usage within express route handlers and asked my opinion…
How to migrate data when building micro services

How to migrate data when building micro services

When you have a big ball of mud monolith and you get this crazy idea to try building micro services, where do you start? You have users…
Why microservices shouldn’t share a database

Why microservices shouldn’t share a database

So you want to build a new micro service, huh? Just spin up a new process, connect to the database and you’re off on your way! Easy. Six…
Service Oriented Architecture in Client Side Development

Service Oriented Architecture in Client Side Development

When starting new projects very often developers use starter kits, generators, or boilerplate templates to kick off new projects which focus…
Strategy Pattern: Encapsulating Actions

Strategy Pattern: Encapsulating Actions

Introduction Very often when writing code you hack some implementation of some business logic together and find yourself needing to either…
Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection

Introduction Overview Dependency Injection (DI) is one of those concepts that has a really intimidating name but once you get to know it, it…